IDEAS (FILM (61 to 120 seconds))

Adidas 'Hey Jude' - Adidas

Adidas 'Hey Jude' - Spindle - Spindle


Title: Adidas 'Hey Jude'
Entrant Company: Spindle
Production Company: Spindle
Advertising Agency: Johannes Leonardo
Client: Adidas
Director: Greg Hackett
Director of Photography: Edouard Le Grelle
Production Designer / Art Director: Alfonso Ruiz
Executive Producer: Mayling Wong
Executive Creative Director: Jan Jacobs / Leo Premutico
VFX Company: Blacksmith
Editing Company: Spindle
Sound Company: Barking Owl
Music Company: Record-Play / Wake The Town / Paul McCartney
Extra Credits: Agency Senior Producer: Jake Herman
Agency CEO: Helen Andrews
Agency Chief Creative Officer: Jan Jacobs / Leo Premutico
Agency Copywriter: Laszlo Szloboda
Agency Head of Production: Tasha Cronin
Agency Executive Producer: Tina Diep
Agency Creative Directors: Jeph Burton / Hunter Hampton
Executive Producer (Production Company): Mayling Wong
Head of Production (Agency): Tasha Cronin
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