An unlikely friendship - Prime Video

An unlikely friendship - CYW - Blur


Title: An unlikely friendship
Entrant Company: CYW
Production Company: Blur
Advertising Agency: CYW
Client: Prime Video
Director: Chris Balmond
Director of Photography: Rob Hardy
Production Designer / Art Director: John Blud
Executive Producer: Mario Fornies / Zico Judge
Executive Creative Director: Carmelo Rodriguez / Willy Lomana
VFX Company: The Mill London
Editing Company: Blur
Sound Company: Ballad
Music Company: Ballad
Animation Company: The Mill London
Composer: Charles Chaplin / Nat King Cole
Performer: Joy Crookes
Extra Credits: Marketing Director Prime Video: Helen Cowley, Creative Director Prime Video: Xuan Pham, Campaign Manager Prime Video: Krysha Shahi, Fiona Mukherjee. Producer Prime Video: Hannah Povey. Creative Team: Lucas Siewert, Eva Fernández, Marta Horcajo, Carmelo Rodríguez, Willy Lomana .Brand Manager Agency: Miguel Remis. Project Manager Agency: Elena Pineda
Original Track: Smile
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