Great Shows Stay With You (Campaign) - Conference - Amazon Prime
Somesuch x Revolver Will O'Rourke

Great Shows Stay With You (Campaign) - Conference - Somesuch - Somesuch x Revolver Will O'Rourke


Title: Great Shows Stay With You (Campaign) - Conference
Entrant Company: Somesuch
Production Company: Somesuch x Revolver Will O'Rourke
Advertising Agency: Droga5 London
Client: Amazon Prime
Director: Steve Rogers
Director of Photography: Daniel Landin
Production Designer / Art Director: Drogo Michie, Lux Artists
Executive Producer: Seth Wilson
Executive Creative Director: Chief creative officer: David Kolbusz
VFX Company: Electric Theatre Collective, Jean-Clément Soret / Philip Hambi, MPC
Editing Company: Scot Crane and Johnny Scarlett, The Quarry
Sound Company: Sam Ashwell, 750MPH
Music Company: Woodwork Music
Extra Credits: producer: Lee Groombridge, Group CD:Raphael Basckin / Shelley Smoler, Creative: Frazer Price / Teddy Souter / Molly Wilkoff, Agency Producer:Peter Montgomery, Production M'ger:Luke Thornton, Offline Producer:Tor Adams
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