Coca-Cola - Coachella Immersive Experience - Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola - Coachella Immersive Experience - Tool - Tool


Title: Coca-Cola - Coachella Immersive Experience
Entrant Company: Tool
Production Company: Tool
Advertising Agency: Tool
Client: Coca-Cola
Director: Tool Experience
Executive Producer: Dustin Callif, Adam Baskin
Editing Company: Mondial Creative
Extra Credits: President - Dustin Callif, Tool Managing Director / Executive Producer - Adam Baskin, Tool Lead Producer - Syahirah Mansor, Tool Head of Production - Kaili Kubpart, Tool Creative Director - Fons Schiedon, Tool Creative Director - Emily Fife, Tool Creative Technologist/Lead Developer - Juan Ramon, Tool WebGL Developer - David Lenaerts, Tool UI Designer - Jason Kirtley, Tool Sound Designer - Keith Ruggiero, Tool Back-end Developer - Jeremiah Johnson, Tool Back-end Developer - Neil Cline, Tool 3D Design and Animation - Sophie Langohr, Tool Post-Production Manager - Nicholas Merrill, Tool
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